Achievement standards

Knowledge and understanding

  • evaluates the extent of change and continuity related to the key institutions, structures and features of ancient societies and the significance of change for society
  • analyses causes contributing to change and continuity in particular contexts and assesses their relative importance
  • evaluates the possible motivations, and the responses of different people to events and developments, and how they were influenced by the historical context within which they lived
  • assesses the significance of issues associated with the evidence for historical periods
  • evaluates representations and interpretations to explain historical issues and to evaluate contestability, validity and usefulness
  • explains the extent of change and continuity related to the key institutions, structures and features of ancient societies and analyses the significance of change for society
  • analyses causes contributing to change and continuity in particular contexts and their relative importance
  • explains and accounts for the possible motivations, and the responses of different people to events and developments
  • explains the significant issues associated with the evidence for an analysis for historical periods
  • analyses representations and interpretations to explain historical issues and to identify contestability, validity and usefulness
  • explains the extent of change and continuity related to the key institutions, structures and features of ancient societies and the impact of change on society
  • describes causes contributing to change and continuity in particular contexts and their relative importance
  • explains and accounts for the possible motivations, and the responses of different people to events and developments
  • explains the significant issues associated with the evidence for an analysis of historical periods
  • describes representations and interpretations to identify contestability, validity and usefulness
  • describes the key institutions, structures and features of ancient societies and how they changed over time
  • describes causes contributing to change and continuity in particular contexts
  • identifies the responses of people to events and developments
  • identifies some issues associated with the evidence for events and developments
  • describes interpretations and representations
  • identifies features of ancient societies
  • identifies examples of change and continuity in particular contexts
  • identifies the individuals and groups involved in events and developments
  • identifies some sources for a historical period
  • identifies interpretations and representations


  • develops focus questions to frame an inquiry and conducts comprehensive research using a wide range of sources and methods
  • selects and applies relevant evidence based on substantiated evaluation of the reliability and usefulness of sources
  • evaluates different historical interpretations and representations with analysis of the strength of the evidence
  • develops convincing historical arguments and synthesises evidence from different sources, to support particular claims with valid and sustained reasoning, and with an assessment of alternative interpretations
  • communicates complex ideas with coherent and sustained arguments with analysis of evidence, using appropriate language and accurate referencing
  • develops focus questions to frame an inquiry and conducts research using a range of sources and methods
  • selects and applies relevant evidence based on evaluation of the reliability and usefulness of sources
  • evaluates different historical interpretations and representations by selecting and using relevant evidence from a range of sources
  • develops convincing historical arguments and synthesises evidence from different sources, with valid reasoning, and with an explanation of alternative interpretations
  • communicates complex ideas and coherent arguments using appropriate evidence, language and accurate referencing
  • uses inquiry questions to conduct research
  • uses sources to research
  • identifies viewpoints about the past
  • recounts historical events and identifies a limited number of sources
  • communicates ideas and information with minimal referencing